In early April, the Federal Reserve System conducted a survey to better understand the range of challenges facing underresourced and low-income communities as an effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings are available in Perspectives from Main Street: The Impact of COVID-19 on Communities and the Entities Serving Them and helped us understand how this crisis is impacting organizations, like yours, supporting community needs.
We are committed to fielding this survey every eight weeks to report on how the effects of COVID-19 are changing within communities over time. Please help us by taking this survey today.
The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. If you have received the invitation to complete the survey from another Federal Reserve entity, please only take the survey once. If you are an organization whose members work in low-income communities, we encourage you to forward the survey link to others who have unique knowledge of what is happening in their communities.
Please use this link to access the survey.