Find the care you need — Check Out Care Compare!
CMS launched Care Compare on to make it easier to find and understand information about doctors, hospitals, nursing homes, and other health care services. Now you can compare location, quality, and price information for health care providers. New features let you filter on the items that are most important to you, so you can personalize your results. It’s now easier than ever to review and compare health care providers, even on your tablet or smartphone. For more information, watch the eMedicare: Improving Compare Tools webinar recording, Medicare Care Compare video or see the latest press release.
New / Updated Training Materials
Spanish 2020:Coordination of Benefits
Spanish 2020: Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage
To check all of our materials, go to
New / Updated CMS Products
Medicare Coverage of Durable Medical Equipment and Other Devices
Coordination of Benefits: Getting Started
NTP Virtual Workshops Recordings
Visit to access the following workshop recordings:
Medicare Basics, Enrollment, & Eligibility Webinar (Recorded 7/28/20)
Medicare Part A and Part B Webinar (Recorded 7/29/20)
Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) Webinar (Recorded 7/30/20)
Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage (Part D) Webinar (Recorded 8/4/20)
Medicare Advantage Webinar (Recorded 8/5/20)
Medicare Appeals and How Medicare Works with Other Insurance (Recorded 8/6/20)
Programs for People with Limited Income and Resources (Recorded 8/11/20)
Medicare Plan Finder (Recorded 8/12/20)
Medicare Current Topics (Recorded 8/13/20)
CMS’ Actions in Response to COVID-19 (Recorded 8/19/20)
Preventing Fraud, Waste, and Abuse in Medicare and Medicaid (Recorded 8/18/20)
CMS’ Actions to Address the Opioids Crisis (Recorded 8/20/20)
Social Security Benefits (Recorded 8/25/20)
Medicare Plan Finder Demonstration and Tips – Repeat Session (Recorded 8/26/20)
Where Do I Find Online Resources…? (Recorded 8/27/20)
Did You Know?
- A pneumonia vaccine can help prevent pneumonia, but only 67% of adults 65 and over have ever gotten it. Medicare Part B covers the pneumonia vaccine, which is given as 2 pneumococcal shots.
- September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Medicare Part B (Medical insurance) covers prostate cancer screening for all men over age 50 (beginning the day after your 50th birthday).
- You can find the latest news about Medicare by visiting the CMS Newsroom.
- Save the Date: October 8, 2020 – NTP Getting Ready for Medicare OEP Webinar