NEW! July 2020 CMS National Training Program Update

Save-the-Date: 2020 NTP Virtual Workshops

Registration for the 2020 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) National Training Program (NTP) virtual workshops will open in mid-July. To help you plan, the dates for the sessions are on our website. You’ll receive an email with the registration information so you can sign up for the session(s) that meet your schedule and learning needs. Sessions will open at 12pm, with the live presentations starting at 1pm and conclude no later than 3:30pm (ET). Session materials will be available for download during the events. All sessions will be recorded for later viewing.

Please send questions to:

New / Updated Training Materials

Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage training module

Medicare Rights and Protections training module

Medicare for People with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) training module

Medicare and Other Programs for People with Disabilities training module

Medicare Advantage and Other Health Plans training module

Getting Started with Medicare training module

To check all of our materials, go to

New / Updated CMS Products

Get Help With Your Medicare Costs: Getting Started

Medicare Coverage of Therapy Services

How Medicare Covers Self-Administered Drugs Given in Outpatient Settings

NTP Webinar Recordings

CMS NTP Update and Education Webinar (Recorded June 2020)

Did You Know?

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Day is July 26thFor more information go to For information about getting Medicare if you have a disability, go to

You can find personalized Medicare information online. Register at

  • Manage your personal information (like medical conditions, allergies, and implanted devices).
  • Sign up to get your “Medicare Summary Notices” (eMSNs) and the Medicare & You handbook electronically.
  • Manage your personal drug list and pharmacy information.
  • Search for, add to, and manage a list of your favorite providers and get quality information about them.
  • Select or change your primary doctor.
  • Track Original Medicare claims and your Part B deductible status.
  • Print an official copy of your Medicare card.

Visit the CMS Newsroom to get the latest news about Medicare.