Congress needs to hear voices of rural America as they tackle COVD-19 relief and kick off the 117th Congress. The National Rural Health Association (NRHA) has taken action to make rural health advocacy easier than ever before for our members and is introducing NRHA’s VoterVoice advocacy tool.
NRHA’s VoterVoice advocacy tool connects you and hundreds of our fellow rural health stakeholders with local, state, and federal lawmakers, ensuring our message to support or oppose legislation is heard by those with the power to enact change at every level. The tool supplies pre-filled information, which means that you can take reach your members of Congress with one click, while customizing content as needed. VoterVoice’s support team also checks for and corrects undelivered messages resulting in 100 percent deliverability to legislative officials.
NRHA’s VoterVoice advocacy tool enables the NRHA government affairs team to create campaigns that will exist on NRHA’s new Rural Health Advocacy Campaigns webpage. Additionally, the NRHA government affairs team will alert NRHA membership of new public campaigns as they become available via NRHA Connect.
If you are eager to test it out – no need to wait! Our first advocacy campaign is waiting for you here.