HRSA will release 2019 data from the National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) on October 5, which is also National Child Health Day. The NSCH provides the latest national and state-level data on the health and health care needs of children as well as information about their families and communities.
Survey topics include:
- Children’s physical and mental health;
- Health insurance status;
- Access to and use of health care services, including:
- Receipt of preventive and specialty care;
- Patient-centered medical home; and
- Services to support transition to adult health care for adolescents;
- Lifetime exposure to adverse childhood experiences, and more.
The NSCH is funded and directed by HRSA’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau and conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, which oversees sampling, survey administration and the production of a final data set for public use.
Look for the release on our social media channels (@HRSAgov), and like and share to show your support of Child Health Day.