First Person: A Healthcare Reporter Who Asks Questions for a Living Can’t Get a Straight Answer on Her Own Care

Liz Carey at The Daily Yonder

For the past three years, I’ve written about rural healthcare issues for the Daily Yonder. From mental health issues to surprise billing to suicide, I’ve tried to tell the stories of rural health as accurately and thoroughly as possible.

Now, for the first time, I am part of the story.

I recently had hip replacement surgery. It was the first of three total joint replacements that I have planned to have before the end of this year. I’m looking forward to it all being over, but getting there — let’s just say it has been eye-opening.

I’ve listened to a lot of stories about other’s experiences with the healthcare system. I thought they were the outliers. But now, as I’m in the middle of it, I realize those horror stories are more the norm than the exception.

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