The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) is conducting an important survey of the state’s outpatient healthcare provider practices. DHS is conducting the survey because CMS has requested each state to assess the current degree of Health Information Technology (Health IT) adoption, usage and challenges experienced by its healthcare providers. Some important considerations:
- Survey results will be reported to CMS as part of the Pennsylvania’s State Medicaid Health IT Plan, and will be used to inform policy decisions as part of the commonwealth’s efforts to encourage meaningful use of health IT.
- This survey should be completed by one individual on behalf of the entire practice/organization. The individual may be a provider, practice manager, CIO, or any individual who is familiar with the health center’s health IT adoption and is authorized to answer the survey on behalf of the FQHC.
- Your answers will be kept anonymous and reported only in the aggregate.
Access the survey here. For your convenience, DHS has also posted a downloadable copy of the survey (in PDF format) on its website so that you can preview it and use it to gather answers prior to completing the actual survey. Preview the PDF of the survey. The survey is estimated to take 15-20 minutes to complete.