Last summer, a group of six bipartisan Senators (called “the G6” for short) released a Request for Information (RFI) around several aspects of the 340B program. Last week, the G6 released a 50-page discussion draft of a bill for comprehensive 340B reform, entitled the SUSTAIN Act.
- Here is a link to a two-page overview of the 340B reform bill by the bipartisan group of six Senators, with a focus on issues of interest to FQHCs and Primary Care Associations (PCAs).
- A nine-page summary and explanation of the draft bill.
- A supplemental Request for Information by April 1 (incorporated into the summary document) around three of the most significant 340B issues: Contract Pharmacies; Patient Definition; and Hospital child sites.
- A letter to stakeholders that includes the following statement “We believe it is necessary to pass legislation in the 118th Congress that provides clarity, transparency, and accountability in the 340B program in order to ensure the program remains strong, long into the future.”