Improving Access to Pulmonary Rehab Programs

Two new educational videos from the National Rural Health Resource Center highlight the prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in the country’s rural communities and the steps that Critical Access Hospitals and other small rural hospitals can take to improve access to much-needed pulmonary rehabilitation services.  The first video, Understanding COPD and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, provides an overview of COPD — its symptoms and causes — and explains how rural-based pulmonary rehabilitation services help to restore independence and quality of life in COPD patients. The second video, How to Launch a Pulmonary Rehab Program, highlights the benefits — to hospitals and their communities — of operating pulmonary rehab programs, and shares practical advice and tips.

Read the full article here.

CMS Changing Policy for Research Data Access – Comment by March 29

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) plans to change the way that data is made available to researchers and seeks feedback from stakeholders who may be affected.  Currently, CMS offers researchers two options for accessing CMS data: 1) have physical Research Identifiable File (RIF) data shipped to their institution, and 2) a secure online resource called the Chronic Conditions Warehouse Virtual Research Data Center (CCW VRDC).  Because of growing concerns about data security, CMS will no longer ship physical data for new research.  Beginning on August 19 of this year, researchers will be required to use the CCW VRDC. CMS will accept feedback on these plans via email at until March 29.

Read the full article here.

Article Released Discussing Support for Vulnerable Rural Hospitals: Lessons Learned

An overview of state and federal programs and models designed to support Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) and other rural hospitals describes challenges – including chronic workforce shortages, high operating and staffing costs, inadequate reimbursement, operational and regulatory issues, and the diverse demographics of rural communities. The information comes from the FORHP-supported Flex Monitoring Team, a consortium of researchers evaluating the effectiveness of the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program.

Read the full article here.

CareQuest Releases New Teledentistry Toolkit

The CareQuest Institute for Oral Health has released Teledentistry Regulation and Policy Guidance: A Toolkit to Promote Access and Quality Care Through Teledentistry. This document identifies primary considerations for regulators and policymakers regarding teledentistry and includes key recommendations. Model teledentistry rules within the toolkit can form a basis for discussions on how to improve the regulatory climate for teledentistry moving forward.

In Pennsylvania, there is legislation pending in the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee (HB1585) that would direct our State Board of Dentistry to develop guidelines for Pennsylvania.

Policy Statement Released on Integrating Oral Health into Primary Care

The ASTDD Dental Public Health policy committee is pleased to announce the availability of a new ASTDD policy statement, Integrating Oral Health into Primary Care. They extend their appreciation to Katrina Holt, MPH, MS, RD, FAND; Katy Battani, RDH, MS; and Ruth Barzel, MA, of the National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center for their support and collaboration in the development of this document.

Click here to view the statement.

New Research Explores Influences of Online Information for Aspirin Use

The Heterogeneous Influences of Online Health Information Seeking on Aspirin Use for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

Authors: Jingrong Zhu, PhD; Yunfeng Shi, PhD; Yi Cui, PhD; Wei Yan, Ph.D., Penn State

Making decisions related to health and healthcare is an important part of life for most consumers. As sources of health information have expanded explosively, consumers’ information seeking and processing in the context of health decision making have also become increasingly complicated.

Previous research has shown that online health information seeking is associated with medication adherence. However, less is known about the factors that moderate such a relationship. This study examines four different sources of health information jointly and their interactive roles in consumers’ decisions on using aspirin for cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention: the advice from health care providers, prior CVD diagnosis, CVD risk factors due to co-morbidities, and online health information.

Our results indicated that online health information seeking had heterogeneous influences on aspirin use for CVD prevention, depending on other factors such as provider advice, prior CVD diagnoses, and CVD risk factors, and potentially leading to both overuse and underuse.

Find more details about the article here.

No-Cost Program Offered – AHRQ Telemedicine Safety Program: Improving Antibiotic Use

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Safety Program for Telemedicine: Improving Antibiotic Use is a no-cost program that seeks to promote appropriate antibiotic use while maintaining patient satisfaction and reducing potential side effects in patients seen via telemedicine. They are currently recruiting primary and urgent care facilities, including community health centers, to participate in the program. This program, beginning in June 2024, consists of brief educational presentations about best practices to optimize antibiotic prescribing in the telemedicine environment. Participants will have access to technical assistance, coaching, webinars, and practical tools to implement improvements in their practice. The program is offering credit via the American Medical Association (AMA), American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Maintenance of Certification (MOC), American Association for Physician Assistants (AAPA), and Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) to participants at no charge.

Webinars Being Offered on Population Health Management: A National Learning Series

More than a dozen HRSA-funded National Training and Technical Assistance Partners (NTTAPs) are collaborating on a webinar series throughout March. Each webinar will focus on strategies for developing, evaluating, and supporting effective healthcare delivery models. Coordinators will ensure that webinar materials are practical, enhancing skills directly related to the training recipients. Visit the Population Health Management Task Force’s website for session details and registration.