The state Department of Community and Economic Development is making $50 million available through the COVID-19 PA Hazard Pay Grant to help reimburse front-line workers in health care and several other industries. Community Health Centers have until July 31, 2020, to apply. According to a press release from DCED, “grant funds may be used for hazard pay for direct, full-time and part-time employees earning less than $20/hour, excluding fringe benefits and overtime for the 10-week period from Aug. 16 to Oct. 24, 2020. Applicants may apply for up to $1,200 per eligible full-time equivalent (FTE) employee.” This does not include teleworking employees. Front-line employees are all employees deemed necessary by the employer to report to work during the COVID-19 pandemic for life-sustaining eligible industries. This is in addition to federal CARES Act funding (H8D and H8E). However, you must make sure your accounting accurately reflects base pay charged to Federal grants and hazard pay charged to the COVID-19 PA Hazard Pay Grant. Download the nine-page program guidance PDF.