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- Q&A: Angela Gonzales (Hopi), on New Indigenous Health Research Dashboard
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Campaign for Dental Health Releases New Fluoridation Videos
Campaign for Dental Health released four new fluoridation videos from the trusted voices of pediatricians. The videos are now live on their website and YouTube channel. Preventing unnecessary dental disease is more important now than ever. Please share these videos with providers and the community.
OSHA Releases COVID-19 Dentistry Guidance
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) released “Guidance for Dentistry Workers and Employers” last week. It provides guidance for dentistry workers and employers at increased risk of occupational exposure to COVID-19. Dental offices should look to the Department of Health’s guidance from March 26th for the current treatment guidelines in PA; though OSHA and CDC recommendations may be a helpful resource for offices once they return to clinical treatment.
U.S. Chief Dental Officer Releases Newsletter
The Chief Dental Officer for the U.S. Public Health Service recently released the latest issue of the USPHS Chief Dental Officer Newsletter. This issue has further information on COVID-19 as it relates to dentistry, as well as women’s health and oral health in recognition of National Women’s Health Week next week.
ADA Health Policy Institute Requests Survey Submissions
The American Dental Association (ADA) Health Policy Institute has been tracking the economic impact of COVID-19 on dental practices through a bi-weekly panel survey of thousands of dentists in private practice. They are now expanding the data collection to include dentists working in FQHCs, health centers, and public health settings. Survey results are anonymous and published on the Health Polity Institute webpage.
Information for Dental Patients During COVID-19
The Pennsylvania Coalition for Oral Health (PCOH) created “Information for Dental Patients During COVID-19.” The resourceful document highlights information that dental patients should be aware of prior, during, and after dental appointments. The list is not intended to be comprehensive and is subject to change. Dental providers should expect questions from patients.
May 8, 2020: REVISED Guidance on COVID-19 for Dental Health Care Personnel in Pennsylvania
May 8, 2020
The Pennsylvania Department of Health (Department) is revising healthcare community guidance to reflect Governor Wolf’s strategic phased reopening plan, particularly related to performing non-urgent procedures. There is still no data available to assess the risk of COVID-19 transmission during dental procedures; however, there is a better understanding of which procedures have increased risk of transmission and how to utilize Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to reduce the risk. Therefore, the Governor and the Secretary of Health have revised their business closure orders issued on March 19, 2020, as subsequently amended, to remove the prohibition on “elective,” i.e., non-urgent and non-emergent, dental procedures.
All providers licensed by the Pennsylvania State Board of Dentistry should adhere to the following operating protocols state-wide.
Each dental provider should apply their clinical judgment along with their knowledge of the incidences of COVID-19 cases in their area, the needs of their patients and staff, and the availability of necessary supplies to assess whether to re-engage in the provision of non-urgent and non-emergent dental care. For example, if a clinician determines that lack of treatment will result in irreversible damage to a patient, the clinician should pursue treatment with the appropriate level of PPE per Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) and CDC Interim Infection Prevention and Control Guidance for Dental Settings During the COVID-19 Response guidance relative to PPE. Providers should routinely consult the CDC guidance when providing care, noting that recommendations and guidance could change frequently.
Providers may perform non-aerosolizing, non-urgent and non-emergent care only if proper PPE, per OSHA guidance, is available for all dental care practitioners, including dental hygienists. Procedures that create a visible spray that contain large particle droplets of water should not be performed because they are considered aerosol generating; however, as a last resort when clinically necessary, aerosol generating procedures are allowed, only if proper PPE, per OSHA guidance, is available for all dental care practitioners including dental hygienists, since not all patients who have COVID-19 are symptomatic, i.e., they could be asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic. The Department of Health and the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency are not currently prioritizing dental practices for PPE distribution, so proper PPE must be secured by the practice.
If infection control protocols outlined by the CDC and OSHA cannot be followed, the procedure should not be done.
All patients should be screened for symptoms of COVID-19, such as temperature over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, cough or other symptoms, before arriving at the practice, social distancing should be maintained while in the practice, and patients should wash or sanitize hands frequently and wear a mask when not undergoing treatment. Tele-dentistry should continue to be employed when possible as patients might be able to be treated virtually with antibiotics and pain medication. Please remember to continue to use proper opioid guidelines in the dental practice, per clinical judgment.
The Department is aware that many dental practices will not be able meet the stringent infection prevention and control requirements for treating patients suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19. If emergency dental care is medically necessary for a patient who has, or is suspected of having, COVID-19, airborne precautions (an isolation room with negative pressure relative to the surrounding area and use of an N95 filtering disposable respirator for persons entering the room) should be followed. In these cases, dental treatment should be provided in a hospital or other facility that can treat the patient using the appropriate precautions.
- Check the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health websites regularly for updates.
- Visit the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry website for valuable information regarding unemployment compensation for DHCP staff.
- In order to stay up-to-date with this and other public health issues, please sign up for the Pennsylvania Health Alert Network (PA-HAN) at https://han.pa.gov
Access the press release here: Guidance on COVID-19 for Dental Health Care Personnel in Pennsylvania
HRSA Releases Oral Health Workforce Projections for 2017–2030
HRSA has released their health workforce projections for dentists and dental hygienists in the U.S., 2017–2030. These projections inform policy decisions about workforce education, training, and delivery of care. Will there be an increase in the number of dentists in the U.S. by 2030? Will there be a decrease in the demand for full time dental hygienists?
Pennsylvania Stakeholder Sharing Sessions Announced
PCOH is inviting our stakeholders to participate in “Stakeholder Sharing Sessions” during the month of May. These sessions are in place of the spring stakeholder meetings. PCOH will offer a brief update on our work and attendees will be invited to share their updates and concerns as well. Sessions are limited to 30 participants each in order to foster deeper conversations, so please only register for the one or two sessions you are most interested in attending. Please note that no CEUs are being offered.
Community Outreach & Education Tuesday, May 12
1 pm – 2:30 pm Click here to register.
Oral Health Workforce Wednesday, May 13
9 am – 10:30 am
Click here to register.
Community Water Fluoridation Thursday, May 21
1 pm – 2:30 pm
Click here to register.
Oral Health Access (Safety Net clinics, teledentistry, etc.) Friday, May 22
11 am – 12:30 pm
Click here to register.
Oral Health Policy Wednesday, May 27
9 am – 10:30 am
Click here to register.
Dentistry Post-COVID-19 Friday, May 29
12 pm – 1:30 pm
Click here to register.
2020 Pennsylvania Oral Health Summit Postponed
Due to health and safety concerns, PCOH has made the proactive decision to postpone the 2020 PA Oral Health Summit originally scheduled for November 12-13, 2020. We are eager to connect in-person with our stakeholders as soon as it is safe and makes sense to do so. We are working on rescheduling the Summit for 2021.
Revised ADA and CDC Dental Guidelines
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released updated infection and control guidance for dental settings and the American Dental Association (ADA) has released their Return to Work Interim Guidance Toolkit. This interim guidance recommends measures to help protect patients, staff and dentists from COVID-19 as dental practices re-engage in providing the full range of oral health care and they will update it regularly. The Pennsylvania Department of Health has not yet released their updated dental guidance, but it is forthcoming.