The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) has published three reports required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on Pennsylvania’s Medicaid unwinding. The first report is a point-in-time baseline report with pending data. The second report is a monthly snapshot of data. Both reports are for the entire Medicaid population. A third document called the Continuous Eligibility Unwinding Plan explains how DHS will process all Medicaid and CHIP renewals. The July 2023 monthly report shows 273,057 total beneficiaries for whom a renewal was initiated during the reporting period with 247,827 due for renewal. Of those renewed and retained, 11,842 were renewed on an ex parte basis, 83,667 were renewed using a pre-populated form, 26,627 were transferred to Pennie, 20,606 individuals were terminated for procedural reasons and 105,085 renewals were not completed. The ex parte automated process has experienced system glitches, and some applications are being processed manually. To view these reports, visit the PA DHS Federal Unwinding Reports webpage.