The FY 2022 appropriations timeline has been delayed because the Biden Administration has not released their complete budget request. To date, Congressional appropriators have only received a high-level budget outline. This week, the White House confirmed that they plan to release the President’s full budget request next month. However, House Democrats may be planning to make progress on their appropriations bills by using a “deeming” resolution to set a FY 2022 topline discretionary spending limits. House Budget Committee Chairman John Yarmuth has indicated that he does not expect to mark up the FY 2022 appropriations bills until June, but by setting topline spending limits, the House can begin to make progress on their appropriations bills. NRHA is advocating on behalf of a number of rural health line items to provide relief and support to rural America’s health care safety net. Notably, this week, NRHA helped circulate the House Rural Health Care Coalition’s Dear Colleague letter, which calls for robust funding for rural health line items.