Pennsylvania Suicide Prevention Plan Released

The Wolf Administration in collaboration with the General Assembly and other agencies released Pennsylvania’s Statewide Suicide Prevention Plan which can be found here. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the country, claiming more than twice as many lives each year as homicide. Approximately 1.4 million adults attempt suicide annually in the U.S., with more than 85 percent reporting having made a suicide plan prior to their attempt. In Pennsylvania alone there were tragically 2,017 people who completed suicide in 2018. The plan, developed by the state’s Suicide Prevention Task Force, is a four-year strategy to reduce suicide in Pennsylvania by fighting stigma, increasing training and education on suicide and mental health, improving data collection for suicide, and supporting clinical practices and treatment to prevent suicide and help those who are struggling or in crisis. Moving forward, the task force will continue working with stakeholders at the local, regional, and state levels to support and monitor the implementation of the plan. Click
here to learn more.