Medicaid Unwinding and Renewals in Pennsylvania

As of August, the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services has completed redeterminations for 30% of the individuals who maintained continuous eligibility through the public health emergency. Of those who had redetermination completed, 54% retained their Medicaid coverage. Of those who did not retain coverage, 53% were due to failure to provide documentation. 7,626 individuals have successfully enrolled through Pennie. One encouraging fact is that the rate of returned mail is lower than expected, indicating that your messages to update contact information are getting through. DHS is increasing direct outreach to Medicaid enrollees ahead of renewals by holding press events with community partners – including FQHCs – to raise awareness of unwinding and what people need to do to stay covered; standing up a partnership with a grassroots outreach partner to hold events in grocery stores, bodegas, faith centers, cultural festivals and more in high Medicaid density communities in the commonwealth; running a long-term paid media campaign and partnering with Pennie to co-brand ads through their media efforts; and working across state agencies to continue to grow the network of partners, advocates, and stakeholders assisting with outreach to reach more Pennsylvanians.