Medicaid continuous coverage under the Family First Coronavirus Response Act is set to expire on March 31 due to the passage of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023. This allows states to begin the unwinding process and end continuous coverage as of April 1, 2023. Medical Assistance and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) recipients must complete an annual renewal to remain eligible. More than 3.6 million Pennsylvanians are currently enrolled in Medicaid coverage with an estimated over one million Pennsylvanians potentially losing coverage due to income ineligibility or not completing the necessary renewal paperwork. Consumers will get a renewal packet in the mail when it is time to renew and will start to receive information in the mail about 90 days before it is due. For those losing Medicaid coverage, the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) in conjunction with Pennie will be sending notices with enrollment information. Visit the DHS website for more information. Sign up as a DHS Helper on the website to continue to receive the latest information.