COMPASS is the online tool used by Pennsylvanians to apply for Medical Assistance, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), home and community based services, energy assistance, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, cash assistance, school meals, long-term living services, Child Care Works and Early Intervention, intellectual disability and adult autism services. The myCOMPASS app allows consumers to access benefit information, review their application, check the status of submitted applications, upload documents, submit the Semi-Annual Reporting (SAR) and report changes directly through the app. However, an actual COMPASS application can only be accessed from the “full site” view on the myCOMPASS app, not the mobile view. If using a smartphone to apply, to find the COMPASS application consumers will need to scroll to the bottom of the page and click “view full site.” The myCOMPASS application for Medicaid is not very user friendly on a small phone screen. In order to submit an application, the full site must be enabled by scrolling to the bottom of the screen on a mobile device. The Department of Human Services recognizes this as an area to improve upon in the future but does not have the ability to construct a fully mobile-enabled website at this time.