Pennie ended the 2021 Health Insurance Marketplace Open Enrollment period on January 15 with more than 337,000 Pennsylvanians gaining coverage through our new state-based exchange. This is about a 1.8 percent increase over 2020 enrollment numbers. Consumers on average saw a four percent reduction in premium costs. PACHC affiliated enrollment assisters fielded more than 1900 requests for appointments through Pennie’s online appointment request form. According to data collected by Pennie, assisters who were able to claim and access their Pennie Account enrolled more than 2,000 consumers in health plans. PACHC hosted our first virtual Outreach and Enrollment 2021 Debrief session this week, where assisters were able to provide feedback and answer polling questions regarding consumer and assister experience. Staff from Pennie were present and appreciated the valuable feedback from our assister community which will inform decisions for the 2022 enrollment period.