The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released the 2021 Assister Certification training for those operating on the federally facilitated marketplace. Pennsylvania assisters (Navigators and Certified Application Counselors) SHOULD NOT take this training. Pennsylvania is a state-based marketplace for the 2021 Enrollment period. The Pennsylvania assister training will be available by Oct. 1, 2020 from the Pennsylvania Health Insurance Exchange Authority (Pennie) through Cognosante, PACHC’S partner for assister services. New guidance has also been released regarding Pennsylvania Insurance Department (PID)registration for new enrollment assisters. For those who have not previously taken assister training and have never registered with PID, you may now register prior to completing your training. This is a change from previous years. For more information, please contact Tia Whitaker, Statewide Director for Outreach and Enrollment.