The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is soliciting applications for the $80 million DOL Nursing Expansion Grant Program. Community Health Centers are among the organizations eligible to apply. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) will address bottlenecks in training the United States nursing workforce and expand and diversify the pipeline of qualified nursing professionals through two training tracks. The first track (Nurse Education Professional Track) will increase the number of clinical and vocational nursing instructors and educators by training new or upskilling experienced current or former nurses (including retired nurses) into advanced postsecondary credentialing necessary for nurses to become clinical and vocational nursing instructors and educators. The second track (Nursing Career Pathway Track) will train frontline healthcare professionals and paraprofessionals, including direct care workers, to advance along a career pathway and attain postsecondary credentials needed for middle- to high-skilled nursing occupations during the grant period of performance. Read the FOA.