U.S. Census Bureau Director, Steven Dillingham, recently provided updates to its operational plans including hiring employees to accelerate the delivery of data by the December 31, 2020 deadline.
Census taker will begin to interview households in select areas that have not yet responded to the 2020 Census. For Pennsylvania, those areas include areas managed by the following area census offices: Allentown, Norristown, Philly Franklin, Philly Penn, and Reading.
The U.S. Census Bureau has begun to email households in low response areas to encourage their response. Millions of emails are planned to be sent through September.
New data are available from the Household Pulse Survey, the result of an effort by the Bureau and other federal statistical agencies, to document trends in how individuals are affected by the pandemic.
Follow response rates to the 2020 Census with the U.S. Census Bureau’s Response Rates page. Or check out the Hard To Count 2020 tool created by SUNY’s Center for Urban Research which has a variety of other useful data in addition to response rates.
Avoid fraud and scams related to the 2020 Census by reviewing these tips from the U.S. Census Bureau.