The HRSA Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) announced in the Federal Register that the effective date of the 340B/Insulin/EpiPen regulation will be delayed by another 120 days, until July 20, 2021. BPHC received 198 comments on the proposed delay, of which 187 were supportive. Their two main justifications for the extension aligned with the two main points that PCAs/FQHCs raised in their comments: a further delay is consistent with the Biden Administration’s Regulatory Freeze, and a further delay is appropriate given the critical role that FQHCs have been assigned since January in vaccinating hard-to-reach populations. This suggests that comments from the health center community were effective in getting to this outcome. While much of PCA/FQHC community would have preferred for BPHC to rescind the regulation entirely, rescinding the reg was not an option for BPHC at this time.