10 Staggering Statistics on the Mental Health Impact of COVID-19

Even before the term COVID-19 had entered our vocabulary, burnout, stress and anxiety were significant issues in the workplace, and society generally. Throw the pandemic’s mental health impact into the mix, and work-related stress is likely to reach staggering levels in the coming months.

  • The economy is now a significant source of stress for 70% of Americans
  • The government’s response to the crisis is causing stress in 67% of Americans
  • More than 1/3 of Americans have displayed clinical signs of anxiety, depression or both since the pandemic began
  • Only 50% of employers are comfortable discussing mental health issues
  • Nearly one in five Americans say they have a physical reaction when thinking about the outbreak
  • In a March Pew study, 18% said they had experienced nervousness or anxiety most or all of the time during the past week
  • Text messages to a SAMHSA disaster distress hotline increased more than 1000% last month
  • Mental health is poorest among those unemployed for six months or more
  • The long-term psychological consequences of collective traumas can last a decade or more
  • Pandemic stress is significantly higher in young people

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