- Native-Led Suicide Prevention Program Focuses on Building Community Strengths
- Genetic Testing for Rare Diseases Is Hard to Find if You Live in Rural Kansas, but Now There's Help
- EMS Agencies, Communities Work to Make Wyoming Safer amid Serious Challenges
- Prescription for Crisis: Rural Pharmacies Struggle to Stay Open
- As an Oklahoma Hospital Breaks Ground, USDA Looks to Better Health, High Speed Internet and Housing
- As an Oklahoma Hospital Breaks Ground, USDA Looks to Better Health, High Speed Internet and Housing
- In a Rural Small Town, a Group of Locals Steps up to Support Senior Health
- MAHEC Launches Tiny Home Project to Boost Healthcare Training in Rural WNC
- The Cost of Senior Care: Why Aging Farmers Fear the Nursing Home
- Demand for Bilingual Spanish Health Care Services Is Growing — Can Utah Keep Up?
- Experimental Sensors Aim to Detect Early Signs of Heatstroke and Warn Farmworkers
- Rural Hospitals Especially Vulnerable to Ransomware Attacks
- Student-Run Market Made From Straw Bales Still Serving Cody Amid Grocery Store Crisis in Rural Nebraska
- Dark Highways, Fast Cars, Few Sidewalks — And More Pedestrian Deaths
- FCC to Reignite 5G Fund to Target Investments in Rural Communities Using Improved Broadband Maps
Finding a Dental Provider Survey
As the state oral health coalition, the Pennsylvania Coalition for Oral Health is gathering information on how Pennsylvanians find and get to the dental office. Please take the survey and share the links with your networks. The survey takes less than five minutes to complete and is anonymous. The deadline is February 12, 2020.
Click here to take the survey in English.
Click here to take the survey in Spanish.
Comments Requested: Guidance for Federal Grants and Agreements – March 23
On January 22, the Office of Management and Budget proposed changes to the guidance for grants, cooperative agreements, and other types of Federal financial assistance. The proposed changes are an update to the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance) located in Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations (2 CFR 200). Changes include updates to meet statutory requirements, clarifications to terminology, increases to micro-purchase and simplified acquisition thresholds, and new requirements such as public posting of indirect cost rate agreements to increase transparency. This guidance impacts all recipients of Federal awards so rural organizations that currently manage Federal grants or wish to apply for Federal grants should review the proposed changes. Find more information here.
Infant Mortality Rates for Metro and Non-metro Counties, by Race and Hispanic Origin
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released data showing that infant mortality rates for nonmetropolitan counties was lowest for infants of Hispanic mothers, followed by infants of non-Hispanic white mothers. The rate of mortality for infants of non-Hispanic black mothers was more than double the lowest rate in both metropolitan and non-metropolitan counties. Read more here.
CDC Report on Suicide Rates by Industry and Occupation
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published data finding that suicide among the U.S. working-age population (ages 16-64 years) was increasing during the time period studied. The five major industry groups with suicide rates higher than the study population included 1) Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction; 2) Construction; 3) Other Services (e.g. automotive repair); 4) Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting; and 5) Transportation and Warehousing. Find more information here.
National Academy of Medicine: Integrating Social Care into the Delivery of Health Care
The report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine examines the potential for integrating social services into health care delivery and assesses current efforts. To access a free PDF of the report, create an account with the National Academies Press or download as a guest. You can find it here.