Rural PACE Advancement (HRSA-25-101) Notice of Funding Opportunity

Funding Agency:

Funding Amount:

April 17, 2025


The Rural Program of All-Inclusive for the Elderly (PACE) Planning and Development, a new program from HRSA’s Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP), is open and accepting applications for the program’s 4-year period of performance (September 30, 2025 – September 29, 2029).  HRSA will make up to 4 awards, up to $500,000 per year, to provide resources to assist with the development of an initial Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) PACE program serving HRSA-designated rural areas or to expand an existing certified CMS PACE programs into HRSA-designated rural areas through PACE service area expansion.  The goal of the program aims to improve access to, and delivery of, comprehensive and sustainable medical and social services for adults 55 and older living in rural areas.

Eligible applicants include all domestic public and private, nonprofit, or for-profit, entities with demonstrated experience serving, or the capacity to serve, rural underserved populations.

​CMS PACE is a model of care that helps people meet their health care needs in the community instead of going to a nursing home or other care facility. PACE provides, and are financially responsible for, all health care services their enrollees. This includes providing care management to enrollees at a PACE center organization that serves as a central hub for adult day care services where enrollees can receive primary care, therapy, meals, recreation, and socialization.  According to the National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services 2023 policy brief, the start-up and application process to become a certified PACE provider with CMS may present some challenges in rural areas.

A technical assistance webinar via Zoom is scheduled for applicants on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at 2:30 pm Eastern.  If you are unable able to join the webinar, a recording will be made available later.

For more information about this funding opportunity, contact